Year 5 Addition and Subtraction

Year 5 Addition and Subtraction
What Will You Learn?

In Year 5, you will build on your previous knowledge of addition and subtraction. You will learn to handle larger numbers and more complex problems. Here's a breakdown of what you will cover:


Adding Large Numbers:

  • You will learn to add numbers with more digits, such as in the thousands and ten thousands.

  • Example: 4,567 + 3,482 = 8,049

Column Addition:

  • This is a method where you add numbers in columns, starting from the rightmost digit (ones) and moving to the left.

  • Remember to carry over any extra value to the next column.

  • Example:

+ 689

Word Problems:

  • You will solve real-life problems that require you to add numbers.

  • Example: If you have 1,234 apples and you buy 567 more, how many apples do you have in total?


  1. Subtracting Large Numbers:

  • You will learn to subtract larger numbers, similar to the addition section.

  • Example: 7,845 - 2,638 = 5,207

Column Subtraction:

  • This method involves subtracting numbers in columns, starting from the rightmost digit.

  • Remember to borrow from the next column if the top digit is smaller than the bottom digit.

  • Example:

- 276

Word Problems:

  • You will solve real-life problems that require you to subtract numbers.

  • Example: If you have 2,000 candies and you give away 356, how many candies do you have left?

Mental Maths

  • You will practice adding and subtracting numbers in your head, without writing them down.

  • Example: 23 + 47, 150 - 75

Tips for Success

Check Your Work:

  • Always review your calculations to make sure they are correct.

  • Double-check your carrying and borrowing.

Practice Regularly:

  • The more you practice, the better you will get.

  • Use worksheets, online games, and flashcards to keep practicing.

Use Visual Aids:

  • Drawing pictures or using objects can help you understand addition and subtraction better.

  • Example: Use counters or blocks to visualize adding and subtracting.

Ask for Help:

  • If you’re stuck, don’t be afraid to ask a teacher, parent, or friend for help.


Addition and subtraction are essential skills in maths that you will use every day. By mastering these skills, you will be better prepared for more advanced maths topics in the future. Keep practicing, stay curious, and enjoy your learning journey in Year 5!

Test Your Knowledge: Addition and Subtraction (Year 5)

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